Log-on access can digitally sign the 1172-2 and the electronic copy will be available for use in their DEERS record.
Retiree ID Cards are now being issued to end of TriCare’s coverage date which begins their TFL coverage. A new CAC card will be required to use your TriCare for Life.
The TriCare Policy Change policy dictates that ID cards must be issued to the end of the semester, graduation date or 23 days from date of issue whichever comes first. If a young adult is turning 26 they will no longer have access to their Young Adult Program and DEERS will be moved to become a dependent of a sponsor.
For more information on DEERS please visit the RAPIDS website. You can also call an ID Card Office or your local ID Card Center for assistance if necessary. A list of phone numbers is located at www.cac.mil/welcome.html under “CAC Services.” If you have a question regarding a deployment eligibility please call the CAC office at DSN: 436-7477. If you have a question regarding your benefits please call the TRICARE Customer Service Center at 1-800–TRICARE or visit their website at www.tricareonline.com/support